
A Swiss soldier by the name of J.R. Gschwend fell into the hands of German forces in the 1st World War, was accused of espionage, and sentenced to death. In his death-cell he experienced an extraordinary spiritual awakening, and found God in a remarkable way. When the German forces released him without explanation, he dedicated his life to the service of God, qualified as a minister of religion, and left by ship for Africa in 1921 where he eventually established this Gospel Literature Mission in 1935. His san Manasseh and eventually his grandson Eugene, both qualified ministers of religion, continued the work, resulting in today’s world-wide Gospel literature Mission of 81 years standing, growth and experience.


Since its establishment in 1935, the objective has been to translate the Gospel message into the unreached languages of the world’s more isolated communities, to print these Gospel booklets, and to distribute them free of charge in these more isolated and even unreached com- munities. Today, approximately 1 700 tribal languages are still without any part of the Bible in print, and over 6 474 more isolated tribes have still not been effectively penetrated by the Gospel message, involving no less than 1630 million people who are still registered today as completely unreached with the Gospel!

Annual Outreach

New translations of the Gospel message: We complete and print new translations every year for isolated tribes and unreached languages.

A typical translation team at work

Printing: We print just on 14 million copies of the Gospel message every year at our own Mission Press, as well as in several other countries.

Almost 3000 km of paper are printed every year in our Mission Press, for the production of our free Gospel literature.

Distributing of Gospel literature free of charge: We sort, pack and distribute an average of 700 consignments of free Gospel literature every week world-wide.

Our 5 dispatch offices sort and pack our production of over 940 Gospel publications, into almost 140 individual consignments daily (about 72 tons every year) for free distribution in the world’s lesser-known, or even unreached tribal communities.

Languages and Countries reached: At present we print and distribute in a total of 548 tribal languages, with free distribution campaigns in 114 third-world countries.


Our free Gospel literature is of a very basic nature, designed to present the simple Gospel message to those who know nothing about the Christian faith in the world’s more isolated and even unreached communities. We therefore avoid as far as possible any contentious doctrinal issues related to specific church organizations, and specially design the message to relate in a practical way to the particular culture, customs and idiom of each specific tribal community.


The testimonies we receive in the letters reaching us daily from 114 third-world countries, prove that many people in those more isolated non- Christian communities, are being led to Christ through this free Gospel literature by God’s grace (see pages 3 to 6) ! And in the process, we are also with God’s help reaching new languages with the message of salvation in Christ!

The opening and sorting of the letters that reach us every day from these third-world countries, takes 2 to 3 of our mission staff almost 2 hours every day.


Since 1935, this mission has operated in faith, trusting God to supply financially in the form of donations made to this work by children of the Lord who feel led to make their own personal contribution towards bringing the Gospel to the world’s more isolated and even unreached communities. This mission therefore relies solely on the donations now being received to finance its operation. The miracle is that although it is not our policy to ask for finances or to make our needs known to the public even for special projects, somehow, every month, God lays this matter on people’s hearts, and God honours the faith of His children !


The A.N.G.P. Mission in South Africa is accountable to its head-office in Switzerland, from where this work was established in 1935, and registered in South Africa as an “Association not for gain”. In accordance with South African law, the Mission’s books are audited annually by a firm of registered auditors, re ports are lodged locally and at our head-office in Switzerland, and the Mission is operated in South Africa under the control of a member of the Swiss A.N.G.P. Mission Board – Rev. Eugene Gschwend, a qualified and ordained ministers of religion of 40 years standing.

Secretary: E.R. Gschwend

Your involvement

Your own personal involvement does make a difference, as you help directly to make this work and these results possible by: 

PRAYING earnestly with us for the salvation of precious souls. 

GIVING financially to make God’s Word available to isolated communities. 

INFORMING others about this outreach for wider prayer support. 

MAKING USE of our free Gospel literature to witness to others.

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